I obtained my PhD degree in deep learning in 2024. It was done in IRIT laboratory in Toulouse (France), under the supervision of Mathieu Serrurier. I was also part of the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institude (ANITI) as a member of the “Fair and robust learning” chair of Jean-Michel Loubes, and part of the DEEL team as well.

My CV can be found here.


  • 2020 - 2023: PhD in machine learning and deep learning in IRIT laboratory in Toulouse (France), under the supervision of Mathieu Serrurier.
    • 2021: Research intern at Google Brain Paris under the supervision of Mathieu Blondel.
  • 2016 - 2020: Master degree in fundamental computer science at ENS Lyon. Complex systems specialty from the master of Ixxi.
    • 2020: Research intern at Telecom Bretagne under the supervision of Vincent Gripon.
    • 2019: Research intern at ENS Lyon under the supervision of Pierre Borgnat and Aurelien Garivier.
    • 2019: Research intern at Google Brain Paris under the supervision of Olivier Pietquin and Matthieu Geist.
    • 2018: Research intern at Universidade Do Algarve under the supervision of Daniel Graça.
    • 2017: Research intern at LRI under the supervision of Guillaume Charpiat.
  • 2014 - 2016: Preparatory classes for the competitive examination to enter the French engineering school at Lycée Henri Wallon in Valenciennes (France).
  • 2014: Baccalaureate in science at Lycée Jesse de Forest in Avesnes-sur-Helpe (France).

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